Está a chegar a hora da grande estreia e hoje é dia de ensaio. Hoje o ensaio é tão importante que até temos jantar incluído :) Há pormenores nas músicas a resolver mas certamente estará tudo pronto a tempo.
The BIG Day is closer and today we have one more rehearsal. Today, this exact rehearsal is so important that we have a dinner enclosed :) We have some details that must be fixed but they'll be certainly ready just in time.
The BIG Day is closer and today we have one more rehearsal. Today, this exact rehearsal is so important that we have a dinner enclosed :)
We have some details that must be fixed but they'll be certainly ready just in time.
good luck for the rehearsal!!! and bon appetit for your dinner...YuMmY!!! ^^
Vamos todos estar lá. A partir tudo! Com motoserras, serrotes, xicletes, tomates e no fim rega-se tudo com cerveja e muito moXe.
E gajas?? Vão haver gajas??
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